My dad whet my apitite for wood working. I remember him jumping into the wood craft scene to help make ends meet during the mid 80’s . I messed around with wood work in high school, but only enough to pass shop. So time went on graduated high school joined the Navy got married had a child. And was looking for a way to supplement my income. So I asked my dad to show me how to make picture frames. And that grew into him give me a scroll saw for Christmas. So I took that had on dove into it and my wonderful brother Ralph Lee Roy Kohler jr offered to set me up a website and that worked out great for a while if the craft show seen made some money supplemented my income money grew tired of it took a break for five years in our back with my brother setting up this website as now I am ready to have laser etching to my scroll Saw work . Hence the name laser scrollwork with out wax Kevin